This struck me as something important today.

Finally finished power washing the fence yesterday, and somehow an invisible fire ant managed to sneak into my shoe and sting my foot three times. Now my foot is swollen and itchy.

No good deed goes unpunished.

Good night, friends.

I’m throwing it out here: anyone have any ideas on ways to cleverly hang/display Mickey Ear Hats (not headbands) from the wall?

Oddly, Google has been useless here.

There are parts of Pinterest that make it useful and lots of parts that make it infuriating to use. It may just be me, but the fact that it’s sometimes impossible to determine where something originated is annoying.

Florida Gov. DeSantis (a tool): “There is no evidence that shelter in place will actually work. We see a lot of non compliance across the country in states that have put it in place.”

So, to be clear, because people aren’t listening, we shouldn’t do anything further. 🤦‍♂️

I’ve fallen into the Animal Crossing trap. :) Going outside now to pull some real weeds and water some plants and pressure wash the fence.

An Introduction

A short, rambling missive about the current state of affairs lol

Playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons - my friend code is SW-6278-0366-9015 in case you’d like to play. :)

Started Day 1 of 100 Days of Swift because the teaching style was a little more clear than the JavaScript courses I found. We covered variables, simple data types, and string interpolation. Check it out!

What’s annoying about lessons & tutorials for coding I’ve done is that they lack context around why you would use the feature. Example, in JavaScript, I’m learning arrays & the push & pop method along w/ shift & unshift. They don’t explain the point behind using those methods.

Time to learn JavaScript, I think.

So one of my mom’s co-workers tested positive for COVID-19. My mom, btw, had a heart attack while back that resulted in a triple bypass. She’s now on home lockdown until further notice. At least she can work from home.

Oooh. I took Benadryl to see if it would help ease the swelling and itch of a fire ant bite. I started to get sleepy, and then it dawned on me why. Silly me. My foot doesn’t itch though!

Meet Sebastian. His nickname is Sir Bastard because he’s a grumpy old man. He gets along with Onyx, but not so much with Oakley. I’m trying to spend my time at home teaching him to be nicer to Oakley.

I’m curious as to why we are allowing the stock market to operate at all at this point? Honest question.

Sitting on the back patio listening to the birds sing and the squirrels race around from here to there. Drinking coffee. ☕️

Here’s my recommendation: act as if you already have the virus. What would you do to avoid giving it to others?

Well, day one of being at home. It’s going to be interesting since my husband works at a grocery store and has to go to work every day. Also, related to that, people are animals. Entitled little animals. It’s crazy.

One of the most dangerous things given this president’s attack on the media and labeling everything “Fake News” is people become skeptical of everything they see regarding COVID-19.

“Oh, it’s not that bad.”