Because I’m a glutton for punishment, I’m watching β€œContagion.” πŸŽ₯ 🍿

Well, Mayor Pete ended his presidential bid. Despite various issues people had with him, I’m sad to see him drop out. As an LGBTQ+ community member, it was pretty wild that one of our own was running for the highest office in the land, and he was impressive in a number of ways.

Day 30: Vision

It’s tough to say how good his vision is.

My current home screen:

Day 29: Leap

The rain drops leap into the window from high above.

🎧 “Unkiss Me” by Maroon 5

Day 28: Below

The view from below is a different perspective. 🐍

Day 27: Together

We’ve been together almost 11 years!

Oakley looking quite perturbed.

Day 26: Escape

This was taken outside of Escape from Gringott’s at Universal Studios in Orlando.

Day 25: Hurdle

The only hurdle is the will of the wind.

Day 24: Double

Double vision. This was the hardest one yet. Lol

Serious question: why do medication ads include, β€œDo not use X if you’re allergic,” but no other product ad does? It’s possible they have fine print, but they don’t literally say it. It’s just so bizarre to me.

Welcome to, @spaarkling!

Day 23: Station

Stationed between fantasy and reality, the Haunted Mansion.

This is how my night is going. πŸ”₯

I’ve had three and a half cups of coffee so far today. What could go wrong? πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

Day 22: Spectacle

My favorite mug makes quite a spectacle.

Looking forward to a day off with friends. πŸ˜€πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ»πŸΈπŸ₯ƒπŸŽ‚

Day 21: Progress

This poor, lonely balloon dog has made no progress in the last four days.