This little web extension called News Guard can be super useful at helping determine trustworthy news sources.

It marks a news search result with a little shield that’s either a green check mark or a red exclamation point that indicates the site is trustworthy for news and information or it is not.

Day 1: Open Open sky! And open your imagination!

A shot of Spaceship Earth showing in the right-hand side of the photo against a brilliant blue sky.

Let’s make it an amazing day! 💪

From Daringfireball (@gruber):

This commentary referring to an article on Sign In with Apple’s popularity

I LOVE Sign In with Apple. I find myself disappointed when an app doesn’t offer it.

I don’t know why it bothers me that elected officials use their social media for official business. Also it apparently depends on whom it is. So maybe it’s less about the social media and more about the individual.

Facebook finally launches its Off-Facebook Activity tool.

I’m excited for our upcoming cruise. One week from tomorrow and we are off to Coco Cay, Cozumel, Costa Maya, and Roatán! Need some serious R&R!

Who has used or wants to use the Tiny Habits system? I’m just getting started but thus far, it’s really great!

Change of plans…


I love those moments when I urgently reach for my phone determined to do…something. Then I forget exactly what the hell I picked up my phone for.

ORD🛫☁️🛬CLT (at some point…damn delays)


Fly the loving skies.

Pavlov’s hair wasn’t always so silky, you know. He had to condition it.

Spent the day by doing a little shopping and then some quality Disney time with Andrew. We hit up Epcot before Disney Springs, and the weather could not have been better! ❤️

“Remember how easy it was to learn your ABC’s? Thank the Phoenicians, they invented them!”

Tiki bar at sunset 📸 21C8B130-1059-43D8-AB14-DB6A0CD6368B.jpg

There are two places one should never get their news: Fox News and Facebook.

How was my New Year’s Eve? Quiet, just like I like it. We made homemade pizza and watched a couple of movies. My partner had to be up super early this morning, so we were in bed around 11 our time. We enjoyed the evening as it was, though. Hope you did too!

Happy New Year, everyone! Hope you all have an amazing new year with untold possibilities at your fingertips! 🍾🎆🎇