Melatonin and Zyrtec. This should be interesting.

Reading “Stamped from the Beginning” by Ibram X. Kendi as part of a little book club with my sister and mother. 📚

Reminder: Set up 2FA on your Nintendo account, please. Don’t be fooled that you must install Google Authenticator. I used 1Password to scan the QR code, and it works just fine.

I’ve spent a fair amount of my evening emailing and posting as much as possible to get some movement on policing reform. I’ve also been doing as much as I can to educate myself. Starting a book club with my sister, and we’re starting with “Stamped from the Beginning.”

Here’s a cartoon version of me based on a photograph that I learned how to do following Holly Pixels tutorial on YouTube. Check it out, and give it a shot!

5 Zen Principles to Live By

A work in progress for me, for sure, but 5 Zen Principles to Live By is a great read. The key take aways:

  1. Whatever you do, practice being in the moment.
  2. Make sure you enjoy most moments of the day.
  3. Don’t look for happiness in other places. Find it right where you are.
  4. Make sure you develop habits and rituals that support what you’re trying to achieve in life.
  5. Instead of thinking, spend your life living.

Seems like no matter whether I try any of the to-do apps, I am finding way more traction and luck in actual productivity with pen and paper bullet journal style…

Claude is making the DIY for the Golden Arowana Model, in case anyone’s interested. #ACNH #animalcrossing

I adore this book. #MemoirsofaGeisha

Good morning, fine friends! I hope all is well today, and I’m looking forward to walking the new season of “The Good Fight!”

Bee-cause I can.

Might just finally get a virtual D&D run tonight!

Watching my sister’s law school virtual graduation, and it’s absolutely awesome! Inspiring!

What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?

It has not been a good day.

So, @burk - you got my villagers all a gossip hehe

Photo Challenge: 📸📷 My red shirt and black cat (Onyx) just hanging out.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you but most of all mine! I love you, mom!! You are an extraordinarily strong person with a heart of pure gold!

Here’s an example of the Hue Sync in action with “Avatar” 📺

I need to update more often. I’m sometimes wondering if there’s anyone else on the other end. Lol 📣